Officers working together to target rural crime from Cumbria Constabulary and Durham Constabulary locate vehicles stolen from Cumbria.
Police received a call on the evening of Tuesday 9 July to the report of a stolen flatbed van from a garage in Kirkby Stephen.
Officers liaised with colleagues from Durham Constabulary for observations of the flat bed vehicle which was later found abandoned in Durham.
On the back of the flatbed was two quadbikes which were confirmed as stolen from the Kirkoswald area of Penrith.
Investigations are ongoing by the Rural Crime Team.
Chief Inspector Natalie Jukes said “The vigilance of the local community and the quick reporting of the incident allowed us to liaise with our colleagues in Durham to assist in locating the stolen vehicle.
“This incident, shows the importance of our communities continuing to support us in targeting those looking to target our rural communities by being aware of suspicious persons and vehicles and reporting it to the police.”
Operation Lantern is the constabulary’s dedicated operation to target rural crime within Cumbria. The operation aims to prevent and disrupt serious and organised rural acquisitive crime that occurs in our county.
You can find advice here - Rural crime prevention | Cumbria Police on things you can do to protect your property.