Cumbria Vision Zero
Cumbria Vision Zero

Cumbria Constabulary is continuing to encourage drivers to submit their dashcam footage where they have witnessed dangerous or careless driving so that action can be taken.


Cumbria Police has released examples of some of those drivers reported recently through Operation Snap.


Operation Snap is a national operation enabling the public to submit video evidence of road traffic offences, quickly and easily, to the police.


The new video includes a range of poor driving examples - almost causing a head-on crash by driving too quickly on a rural road, jumping a red light, dangerous overtaking, passing on the wrong side of keep left bollards and a dangerous close pass on a cyclist which forced a van into evasive action.

All of drivers in the clips received either a fixed penalty or were put onto an educational course.

Watch the video on Facebook here: (20+) Facebook 


Inspector Jack Stabler of Cumbria Roads Policing Unit said: "Operation Snap is just one of the many tools we are utilising in our efforts to drive down the numbers of people killed or seriously injured on our roads.


"My hope is that many of those drivers whose actions were reported will take the decision to reconsider their manner of driving, which could easily result in a serious collision.


"I would encourage the public to continue submitting their evidence so that action can be taken against dangerous and problematic drivers.


Cumbria Police has received more than 700 Op Snap submissions so far in 2024. These submissions help the Constabulary and partners work towards Cumbria Vision Zero initiative which works on the idea that nobody should be killed or seriously injured on the county's roads.


Members of the public can report road traffic offences here National Dash Cam Safety Portal | Nextbase UK or Road safety | Cumbria Police


This includes:

  • Overtaking on solid white lines
  • Using a mobile phone whilst driving
  • Failing to comply with traffic signals
  • Contravening traffic directions
  • Endangering other road user through poor driving


Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, David Allen, said: “The Police do what they can to ensure we are safe on the roads and those who drive recklessly face the consequences of their actions.


“However, we do need the public’s help – dashcam footage can be a crucial piece of evidence against dangerous driving.


“I would encourage anyone who has footage to submit it to Cumbria Constabulary – together we can help to keep our county’s roads safe.”