Raymond Smith
Raymond Smith

The Allerdale Neighbourhood Policing Team have secured a third Criminal Behaviour Order in recent weeks to prevent further criminality.

Criminal Behaviours Orders (CBOs) are issued upon conviction and include prohibitions to prevent criminal and anti-social behaviour. The order will either prohibit or require the offender to do something as described in the order.

The order which was granted at court yesterday (March 19) was secured for two years against Raymond Smith, 27, of No Fixed Abode.

The order prohibits smith from:

  • Entering any property or premises that are members of the Workington Schemelink scheme, or who display the Schemelink sign at any time.
  • Enter Tesco, Newbridge Road, Workington
  • Enter Mcolls, Harrington Road, Workington
  • Enter Asda, Dunmail Park, Workington
  • Approach any person requesting money from them in the areas of
  • Finkle Street, Workington
  • Tesco, Newbridge Road, Workington
  • Pow Street, Workington
  • Murray Road, Workington

This order follows two Criminal Behaviour Orders secured at the beginning of March  - Neighbourhood policing team secure two criminal behaviour orders - Cumbria Constabulary

Breaching the order is a criminal offence, which can lead to a prison sentence, of up to five years in prison.

Sergeant Leesa Edwards from Allerdale Neighbourhood Policing Team said, “This is the third Criminal Behaviour Order that we have been successful in securing this month.

“The orders will restrict the individual’s behaviour within our community and help protect business owners and local residents. 

"We are reliant on the support from local businesses and residents by reporting incidents of crime to enable to enable us to achieve these results. 

"As a team we are proactive in identifying those persistently committing offences and making such applications at court. 

“We would encourage anyone who witnesses the terms of such a court order being breached to contact Cumbria Police.”