Harold Nicholson
Harold Nicholson

A rapist who is already serving a 20-year jail term has been given another prison sentence of 18 years – after a different victim came forward to police to report her ordeal at his hands.

Harold Nicholson, 75, formerly of Holywell Crescent, Carlisle, is already behind bars after being after being found guilty in 2021 of raping a young girl repeatedly in the 1990s.

Following that conviction, another victim reported being subjected to sexual abuse between the mid-1990s and mid-2000s.

A further police investigation was launched and Nicholson was again put before a jury.

They found him guilty of four counts of rape, a single charge of false imprisonment and a charge of threats to kill following a trial at Preston Crown Court.

As part of this abuse the woman was once kept imprisoned for up to two days in a room.

During this time Nicholson raped her, wrapped a telephone cord round her neck and left her so afraid she had begged him to kill her to stop the ordeal.

The woman had bravely come forward to tell police of her ordeal – but sadly died before the trial was held.

Detective Constable Kerry Gibson is the officer who oversaw both cases.

Speaking after the sentencing today, she said: “Nicholson is an evil man. The public can be reassured he is already behind bars and people are safe from him – and now he faces even longer in jail.

“The victim was very brave but, sadly, she did not live to see these results of her courage and perseverance and witness him face a court for his crimes against her.

“However, I would still like to place on record my thanks to her and her family for their help in bringing a dangerous man to justice.”

DC Gibson added: “I’d like to remind people that it’s never too late to seek justice. 

“No matter how long ago, how old the perpetrator is or where they are now, Cumbria Police have specially trained officers who will investigate these matters thoroughly and with the sensitivity they require.”

If you have been affected by rape or sexual assault, you can contact The Bridgeway Sexual Assault Support Service’s helpline on 0808 118 6432.

If you wish to report to police you can do so online at www.cumbria.police.uk/report-it.

You can also phone on 101.

Always phone 999 in an emergency or if a crime is in progress.