Sean Beazant
Sean Beazant

A registered sex offender (RSO) who breached his Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) has been jailed today (25 September) for two years.

Sean Beazant, aged 38,  of no fixed address was sentenced today at Carlisle Crown Court for:

  • Three breaches of his Sex Offender Requirements (SONR)
  • One breach of a SHPO which was issued by Sheffield Crown Court on 19 January 2022
  • Possession of a Class B drug

The court heard how from 30 January 2024 an officer from South Yorkshire Constabulary made numerous attempts to contact Beazant at his home address without success. There was found to be no one living at the property where Beazant had stated he was residing.

Following enquiries and appeals by MOSOVO officers from South Yorkshire and Cumbria Constabulary, and a fantastic response from members of the public in Cumbria, Beazant was located at an address in Kendal, Cumbria, where he was living with his partner who was not aware of his RSO status or his true name.

 Upon arrival at the property, he was seen to flee from a first-floor window.

An area search was conducted and with assistance from members of the public Beazant was located and arrested for breach of SHPO.  He was also found in possession of a quantity of cannabis.

Whilst at the police station, officers located a mobile phone on Beazant’s possession which had not been declared to police – which was a requirement of his SHPO.

Beazant was put on the Sex Offenders Register in 2021 and an obligation of this includes informing police where he is living and notifying of any mobile devices.

The woman who was in a relationship with Beazant was not aware if his previous sexual offending history and wasn’t aware of his correct second name.

Beazant admitted all charges against him at an earlier hearing.

Detective Sergeant Beccy Joseph, Management of Sexual Offenders & Violent Offenders (MOSOVO) team, said: “Beazant was fully aware of the requirements of him being a named person on the Sex Offender Register and the terms of the SHPO imposed against him when he breached these.

“We work hard to monitor and manage people who are subject to such orders to assess and manage the risk that they pose to the public and to ensure that they are held to account for any breaches of court orders that are issued to assist in managing their risk, and to ensure that the public is safe from harm.  

"This was a great example of police and the public working together to locate a sex offender trying to evade their responsibilities.

"If anyone is found to breach the terms of these preventative orders we will find them, and we take a zero-tolerance approach.  I hope todays sentencing shows how seriously we take the management of sex offenders.”